Give Me Tea is a knowledge sharing social platform. Our community of experts exchange information, ideas and experiences! Create a free account, share your page on your social accounts and start making money today.

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Start earning profits through multiple sources of revenue!

member subscription . paid posts of exclusive content . paid live streams . sell products in the shop . tips from users

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Knowledge is power and sharing your expertise will empower your subscribers.

Share great content

Upload your content, build relationships and trust with your subscribers and watch the revenue grow.

Grow your market

Your expertise can move, empower and add value to your subscribers and followers.


Create your profile. Share your passion. Turn your passion into profit.

Earn revenue through subscribers, tips, product sales and paid live streams. Your life's journey has many beautiful experiences. Share your experiences with your community and turn your passion into profit. Create an account today!

Getting started

Experts Earnings Simulator

Calculate how much you earn based on the number of followers and their subscription rate.

You could earn an estimated USD per month*

* Based on an estimate of 20% of your followers who subscribe (Does not include payment processor fees) * Includes the 15% platform fee

Knowledge is power. Share your expertise and turn a profit. What are you waiting for?

Start growing your community with your expertise.

Explore Getting started